Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We are packed

Mia's new toys. I won't say we are ready to go. I am very nervous. I am afraid I forgot something, or she won't like us, or she will get sick, etc... All of a sudden being a new Mom is freaking me out.
Tomorrow we will be picked up and driven to the airport at 5am by my Mom. Our flight leaves at 8:30am. We will fly to Chicago where we will have a 4 hour lay over. We will leave for Beijing at 12:43pm and will arrive at 3:00pm on June 19th (3 in the morning Indiana time...) I really hope that we can get a few naps on the plane. I am taking a Harry Potter book and some word seach books. Jamie is such a last minute guy, that he will probably be up all night tonight doing last minute things and will sleep all the way to China. I hope I get a window seat, especially if he is going to be snoring....


Melanie said...

You will be a great Mom!! It is a little scary but you will do great!! Oh by the way her room looks GREAT!! I love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till Monday.
Just remember; no matter how much she screams & cries (if she does), she will always love you...............